100 Hat Club Coin + More

Do you have 100 Findlay Hats? FIll out this form to get a free 100 hat Club Coin!

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100 Hats with the Same Design? You get to make your own! Here’s How It Works!

We have a special program for our most dedicated Findlay Force collectors who reach a huge milestone: owning 99 hats of the same design or theme.

Once you hit that 99-hat mark, you qualify for a custom, one-of-a-kind 100th hat-inspired by your collection!

How to Qualify:

  • You must own 99 hats with the same design or a parent design. For example, if you collect the Space Boi design, any variation of Space Boi counts toward the 99-hat total, but the 100th hat will also follow that theme.
  • The design must be specific. For instance, if you collect a particular triangle design, only those hats count toward the total. Broad themes, like general colors or loosely related designs, are not eligible. We reserve the right to confirm what is eligible, and if you are curious please reach out to us.
  • Hats that follow a specific color scheme or brim pattern (e.g., all purple or specific brim styles) also count. However, collections of all-black hats are not eligible as black is the most abundant color.

What’s Next?

  • Once you hit 99 hats of the same design, we’ll work with you to create something truly special for your 100th hat! This will be a custom hat made just for you through our custom hat bar.

    How it Works:

    • Hat Base:
      Let us know your favorite hat base styles, including examples or photos if possible. We’ll show you what we have available, and you’ll choose your favorite from what’s currently in stock.

    • Embroidery Options:
      You can have up to three embroidery hits on the hat. These can go on the front panels, side panels, or both, and must use designs from your collection or theme.

    • 100 Hat Club Side Embroidery:
      We’ll add a 100 Hat Club logo on the left or right side of the hat. The standard color is gold, but you can request a different color to match the hat. If you do not want this, just let us know.

    • Unique Variations:
      Variations or alternatives of a design that do not already exist cannot be created for this hat - unless you have a tattoo of that design. If you do, and you send us the design, we can digitize the tattoo and add it to your hat. This includes combining two designs from your collection into one. Please verify ahead of time with any questions.

    How to Submit:

    Send an email to jimmy@findlayhats.com with the following:

    1. A photo of your collection with your name and today’s date written on a piece of paper.
    2. A description of your favorite hat bases (colors, materials, or styles you like). Include examples or photos if possible.
    3. Your preferred embroidery placements (up to three).
    4. Any additional notes, such as thread colors, 100 Hat Club embroidery preferences, or anything else to help us bring your vision to life.

    Additional Details:

    • Turnaround Time: Please allow 1-5 weeks for the custom hat to be made and shipped.
    • Eligibility: Hats must be owned at the same time and submitted in a single photo.
    • Shipping: We cover shipping like any normal order. You’ll receive a custom invoice for the cost of a black box hat, which must be paid before production begins.

    Thank you for your dedication to Findlay Hats! We’re excited to create a hat worthy of your 100th milestone!