6 Item Mystery Box
By far the best bang for your buck on our website. All mystery boxes come with a random assortment of Findlay products - including standard, unreleased, limited edition & discontinued models.
By far the best bang for your buck on our website. All mystery boxes come with a random assortment of Findlay products - including standard, unreleased, limited edition & discontinued models.
Up to $200 value - $121 off!
Each box is chosen at random and contains six randomly selected Findlay products. We do our best to include the best variety of colors, designs & styles to make a unique box.
All 6 items will include some, but not all, of the following -
- 2x Hats (2 guaranteed)
- Beanie
- Sun Cheaters
- Bump Cap
- T-Shirt
- Extra Stampede Laces & Wood Clip
- Stickers
Photo demonstrates a sample of what could come in your mystery box - each box is different and contains an assortment of different items.
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Guaranteed to come with at least 2 hats
Snapback Or Dad Hats
...And 4 other randomly selected items
Beanies, Sun Cheaters, Bump Caps, t-shirts, stickers & more!