Thank you for your interest in working with us - we are always down to get our hats in the hands of bad ass photographers & people exploring our planet. You are seeing this page because we dig what you have going on, and would love to have you rock Findlay on future adventures!
Photography is a huge part of our company, and we try to create & share the best content possible and a huge part of that is working with different photographers & adventurers across the globe.
That said, we have been scammed by many people claiming they will take photos for us for a free hat, then once they receive the hat simply blocking us & never responding to any emails. So this program is a way to provide you with heavily discounted Findlay Gear for photos of the hats in action, with minimal risk for us.
Once we see you creating beautiful photographs to be shared on Instagram, we will then get you into our system where we send you a free care packages though out the year.
On our end, we will provide you with discounted (& Free) Findlay gear, as well as promote the best photos featuring Findlay to our audience of 17K+ Instagram users. All photos will be used with credit & you will own all copyright ownership of your photos, we simply ask for permission to share these photos on our Instagram pages @Findlayhats & @findlayforce
Any questions? Email and we will get you taken care of. Thanks for your interest and we are excited to see what you crank out!
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