This page provides the most accurate updates on your order status.
Processing Time: Each hat is crafted in-house with care. Free US shipping orders are typically processed and shipped within 2-3 weeks. Some may ship sooner, however please anticipate this timeframe. If marked ‘In Production,’ your order is right on track and you are good to go!
Tracking Information: A tracking number means production has started. ‘In Production’ reflects your hat is being made alongside others in the batch. Tracking will update automatically when USPS picks it up.
We’re Excited Too! We know you’re eager to get your order, and we’re just as excited for you to receive it! While it’s in this timeframe, there’s no need to email us—we’ll notify you if there are any delays or updates.
Thank you for your patience and support. We’re working hard to make, pack, and ship your order as quickly as possible, and we hope you love it when it arrives! 😊